Equinties - weekender


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Gm Equinauts 

Imma just leave this right here.

Anyway, what a fucking bearish Saturday.

Headline roundup

Ya’ll know what’s up… it’s just the desert rats on today. 

Today's best stats

13.02. Roger Ingram targets Lingfield conditional races (2 from 4) and sends NO SUCH LUCK who was looked after lto.

13.25 CHOLA EMPIRE goes for Simcock under Jamie Spencer. They have a 100% sr together at course. Note: they have another runner too but this looks to have best chance.

14.12 HIGH VELOCITY goes for the in-from Tate and Rossa combo. They are 100% together this year, 1 in 3 all time and from that, 2 from 4 at course. Bullish.

15.57 STARSHIBA goes under Muscutt who has a 100% all time sr (2 from 2) for O’Meara at track.

Risk on


Looks a banker on paper, just need another for a double.

I think these two are a good way to lev Pete. I love DANCING IN PARIS (low grade horse but he’s won me loads) and he runs off low mark with Wadham firing and then Shaggas’ to see the bet home.